As 2024 begins, a concept I’ve been very interested in is gene regulatory networks (GRNs), specifically how they function during developmental biological processes such as hematopoesis, neurogenesis, etc. As such, I’ve been prototyping some methods for trajectory GRN estimation & downstream analysis. This has necessarily led to the need for a ground-truth network against which I can compare GRN estimation tools. Most published GRN methods use ChIP-seq or ATAC-seq datasets as a silver-standard source of truth, since simulating GRNs is complex and difficult. To my knowledge, the only tool that exists that implements GRN-based scRNA-seq trajectory simulation is dyngen. However, it isn’t the easiest tool to use, hence why I’ve decided to put together a guide for 1) simulating a GRN and 2) checking several estimation methods against the ground truth network. Skip to Section 4 for the simulation, and Section 5 for the method comparisons.
2 Libraries
First we load the packages we’ll need for our analysis.
The dyngen workflow starts with what they call a backbone, which specifies the shape of the cellular manifold. In this case we opt for a simple bifurcating trajectory composed of 2500 cells. The number of transcription factors (TFs) is a random variable, but we specify 500 target genes and 5000 housekeeping genes.
This extraordinarily messy (thanks to the large number of genes) plot shows our TFs, their targets, and the non-regulatory housekeeping genes. The dyngen documentation specifies that TFs are regulated solely by TFs, target genes may be regulated by TFs or other target genes, and housekeeping genes are not part of regulatory structure of the trajectory.
p3 <-plot_feature_network(tf_model, show_hks =TRUE) +labs(x ="Dim 1", y ="Dim 2", size ="TF Status", color ="Gene Module") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +theme( ="horizontal") +guides(color =guide_legend(override.aes =list(size =4, alpha =1), order =1))p3
Figure 3: The directed structure of the relationships between all genes - TFs, target genes, and housekeeping genes.
Continuing on, we use the following sequence of functions to simulate cells along our bifurcating trajectory.
If you’re using a local machine (like I am), this step will take 30 or so minutes to run.
Finally, we convert our simulated dataset to a Seurat object for easier downstream analysis. In addition, we add a normalized ground-truth pseudotime that exists on \([0, 1]\) for aesthetic purposes.
The ground-truth pseudotime values are stored in sim_time, and sequencing depth and feature counts have already been computed for total RNA, unspliced & spliced RNA, and protein.
Table 1: The cell-level metadata of our Seurat object.
5 Analysis
5.1 Preprocessing
We run the cells through a standard processing pipeline consisting of normalization, highly-variable gene (HVG) identification, linear dimension reduction with PCA followed by nonlinear dimension reduction with UMAP, and a graph-based clustering via the Leiden algorithm.
Our UMAP embedding has retained the bifurcating structure of our simulated trajectory well, and our clustering appears correct too.
p4 <, "umap")) %>%mutate(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = leiden)) +geom_point(size =1.75, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +scale_color_manual(values = palette_cluster) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Leiden") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +guide_umap()p5 <, "umap")) %>%mutate(PT = seu$sim_time_norm) %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = PT)) +geom_point(size =1.75, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +scale_color_gradientn(colors = palette_heatmap) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Pseudotime") + scLANE::theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE)p6 <- (p4 | p5) +plot_layout(guides ="collect", axes ="collect")p6
Figure 4: UMAP embedding colored by Leiden cluster ID (left) and ground-truth pseudotime (right).
Visualizing the spread of pseudotime values per-cluster reveals that cluster 1 should the starting (or root) node, and clusters 3 & 5 the terminal (or leaf) nodes.
Figure 5: Beeswarm plot displaying the distribution of ground-truth pseudotime per Leiden cluster.
5.2 Pseudotime estimation
Since dyngen doesn’t explicitly assign each cell to a lineage (at least as far as I can tell), we use slingshot to estimate a lineage-specific pseudotime. As per Figure 5, we specify cluster 1 as the root of the trajectory. Afterwards, we create an overall pseudotime by mean-aggregating the per-lineage pseudotime values assigned to each cell.
The Spearman correlation between the true & estimated pseudotimes for each cell is quite high, indicating that slingshot did a solid job recapitulating the ground truth. The fit isn’t perfect, but it looks good enough to justify using the lineage-specific estimated pseudotime. This will allow us to build a GRN per-lineage, which is more useful than a single overall network.
Figure 6: The Spearman correlation between true & estimated pseudotime. A fit from a simple linear model is overlaid in black.
The minimum spanning tree (MST) and principal curves from slingshot appear to match our ground-truth trajectory structure quite well. In addition, as shown above in Figure 6 the estimated pseudotime closely matches the ground truth.
p9 <-data.frame(Embeddings(seu, "umap")) %>%mutate(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = leiden)) +geom_point(size =1.5, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +geom_path(data = sling_mst, mapping =aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, group = Lineage), linewidth =1.25, color ="black") +geom_point(data = sling_mst, mapping =aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, fill = Cluster), color ="black", shape =21, size =4.5, stroke =1.25, show.legend =FALSE) +scale_color_manual(values = palette_cluster) +scale_fill_manual(values = palette_cluster) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Leiden") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +guide_umap()p10 <-data.frame(Embeddings(seu, "umap")) %>%mutate(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = leiden)) +geom_point(size =1.5, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +geom_path(data = sling_curves,mapping =aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, group = Lineage), color ="black", linewidth =1.5, alpha =0.75, lineend ="round") +scale_color_manual(values = palette_cluster) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Leiden") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +guide_umap()p11 <-select(sling_pt, starts_with("Lineage")) %>%mutate(cell =colnames(seu), umap_1 = seu@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[, 1], umap_2 = seu@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[, 2], .before =1) %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols =starts_with("Lineage"), names_to ="lineage",values_to ="pseudotime") %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = pseudotime)) +facet_wrap(~lineage) +geom_point(size =1.5, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +scale_color_gradientn(colors = palette_heatmap) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Pseudotime") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE)p12 <- (((p9 | p10) +plot_layout(axes ="collect")) / p11) +plot_layout(guides ="collect")p12
Figure 7: UMAP embedding with MST from Slinghot overlaid.
5.3 Estimating trajectory dynamics
Using scLANE (GitHub) we perform trajectory differential expression (DE) testing on the set of HVGs.
We’ll start by building a GRN on our own with scTIRN (single cell Trajectory Inference via Regulatory Networks) without using external packages. The main logic comes from the function estimateTGRN() defined in Section 3.
Since our simulation only defines the network over the entire dataset, instead of in a lineage-specific manner, we’ll define scTIRN as being correct if a given TF-target gene link is recovered in either of the two lineage GRNs. In addition, we’ll define the directionality as being correct if it is correct in either lineage.
In order to correctly estimate the accuracy of scTIRN, we first filter the ground-truth GRN to just the genes identified by scLANE as being dynamic over the trajectory, then estimate the proportion of the true TF to target gene links identified by our method. The accuracy looks pretty good!
Table 3: The accuracy of scTIRN when filtering to just the genes identified by scLANE as trajectory DE.
5.5 Building a GRN with epoch
Next, we use the epoch R package (paper, GitHub) to estimate a GRN for each lineage using the Pearson correlation of expression between dynamic genes. We start by identifying a set of genes dynamic across lineage 1 (as with scLANE, we test solely the HVG set used to build the trajectory), which we do by fitting GAMs using their findDynGenes() function. A quirk of the epoch method is that it’s necessary to provide the cluster structure of the trajectory - in order, which we do based on Figure 7. Next, we construct the GRN & perform crossweighting - the goal of which is to reduce the occurrence of false positives (see their Methods for details).
The authors show in their paper (see e.g., Figure 2) that the mutual information (MI) method with crossweighting is the best. However, their MI implementation is very slow, so I’m opting to use the Pearson correlation implementation instead.
We compute the accuracy of epoch using the same method as we did for scTIRN i.e., by filtering the ground-truth GRN to just the genes identified as dynamic (across either lineage) by epoch.
Table 5: The accuracy of epoch when filtering to just the genes identified by epoch as trajectory DE.
6 Conclusions
Overall both methods perform well, each having an accuracy in the mid-80s. scTIRN performed slightly better, likely due to its usage of less-noisy gene dynamics instead of normalized expression to build each lineage’s network. In addition, given that we utilized lineage-specific pseudotime from slingshot instead of the overall ground-truth pseudotime I imagine the performance of scTIRN could be improved if we were to use the ground-truth data instead - though this would lose the lineage specificity. Lastly, the dyngen package, while somewhat difficult to use, proved to be a useful tool in that it provides a granular, ground-truth GRN against which we can evaluate different GRN estimation methods.
---title: "Simulating Trajectory Gene Regulatory Networks via `dyngen`"author: name: Jack R. Leary email: orcid: 0009-0004-8821-3269 affiliations: - name: University of Florida department: Department of Biostatistics city: Gainesville state: FLdate: todaydate-format: longformat: html: code-fold: show code-copy: true code-tools: true toc: true toc-depth: 2 embed-resources: true fig-format: retina fig-width: 9 fig-height: 6 df-print: kable link-external-newwindow: true tbl-cap-location: bottom fig-cap-location: bottom number-sections: trueexecute: cache: false freeze: auto---```{r setup}#| include: falseknitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = NA)reticulate::use_virtualenv("~/Desktop/PhD/Research/Python_Envs/personal_site/", required = TRUE)set.seed(312)```# Introduction {#sec-introduction}As 2024 begins, a concept I've been very interested in is gene regulatory networks (GRNs), specifically how they function during developmental biological processes such as hematopoesis, neurogenesis, etc. As such, I've been prototyping some methods for trajectory GRN estimation & downstream analysis. This has necessarily led to the need for a ground-truth network against which I can compare GRN estimation tools. Most published GRN methods use ChIP-seq or ATAC-seq datasets as a silver-standard source of truth, since simulating GRNs is complex and difficult. To my knowledge, the only tool that exists that implements GRN-based scRNA-seq trajectory simulation is [`dyngen`]( However, it isn't the easiest tool to use, hence why I've decided to put together a guide for 1) simulating a GRN and 2) checking several estimation methods against the ground truth network. Skip to @sec-sims for the simulation, and @sec-analysis for the method comparisons. # Libraries {#sec-libraries}First we load the packages we'll need for our analysis. ```{r}#| message: false#| warning: falselibrary(epoch) # dynamic GRN estimationlibrary(dplyr) # data manipulationlibrary(Seurat) # scRNA-seq toolslibrary(dyngen) # simulationslibrary(scLANE) # trajectory DElibrary(ggplot2) # pretty plotslibrary(foreach) # parallel for-loopslibrary(patchwork) # plot combinationlibrary(slingshot) # pseudotime estimationrename <- dplyr::rename```# Helper functions {#sec-fns}We define a utility function to make our plot legends easier to read. ```{r}guide_umap <-function(key.size =4) { ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes =list(size = key.size,alpha =1, stroke =0.25)))}```And consistent color palettes will make our plots easier to understand. ```{r}palette_cluster <- paletteer::paletteer_d("ggsci::nrc_npg")palette_heatmap <- paletteer::paletteer_d("MetBrewer::Hiroshige", direction =-1)```Lastly, we load in a function [I wrote previously]( that estimates a trajectory GRN using XGBoost. Expand the code block below for details. ```{r}#| code-fold: trueestimateTGRN <-function(dyn.mat =NULL,expr.mat =NULL, dyn.genes =NULL, tx.factors =NULL, cor.method ="spearman",n.cores =4L, verbose =TRUE, random.seed =312) {# check inputs if (is.null(expr.mat) ||is.null(dyn.mat) ||is.null(dyn.genes) ||is.null(tx.factors)) { stop("Arguments to estimateTGRN() are missing.") }# identify dynamic TFs tx.factors <- tx.factors[tx.factors %in% dyn.genes]# set up progress bar if desiredif (verbose) { withr::with_output_sink(tempfile(), { pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(0, length(dyn.genes), style =3) }) progress_fun <-function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n) snow_opts <-list(progress = progress_fun) } else { snow_opts <-list() }# set up parallel processingif (n.cores >1L) { cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n.cores) doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl) } else { cl <- foreach::registerDoSEQ() }# set up LightGBM model settings lgbm_params <-list(objective ="gamma", tree_learner ="serial", metric ="l2", boosting_type ="dart",device ="cpu",num_threads =1L, seed = random.seed)# estimate trajectory GRN grn_res <- foreach::foreach(g =seq(dyn.genes), .combine ="list",.multicombine =ifelse(length(dyn.genes) >1, TRUE, FALSE),.maxcombine =ifelse(length(dyn.genes) >1, length(dyn.genes), 2),.packages =c("lightgbm", "dplyr"),.errorhandling ="pass",.inorder =TRUE,.verbose =FALSE,.options.snow = snow_opts) %dopar% { feature_mat <- dyn.mat[, tx.factors] feature_mat <- feature_mat[, colnames(feature_mat) != dyn.genes[g]] resp_var <- dyn.mat[, dyn.genes[g]] lgbm_data <- lightgbm::lgb.Dataset(data = feature_mat, label = resp_var) lgbm_cv <- = lgbm_params, data = lgbm_data, nrounds =100L, nfold =5L, stratified =FALSE) lgbm_model <- lightgbm::lgb.train(params = lgbm_params, data = lgbm_data, nrounds = lgbm_cv$best_iter) imp_table < %>% dplyr::mutate(Target_Gene = dyn.genes[g],Target_Gene_Type = dplyr::if_else(Target_Gene %in% tx.factors, "TF", "Non-TF"), .before =1) imp_table }names(grn_res) <- dyn.genesif (n.cores >1L) { parallel::stopCluster(cl) }# format GRN table grn_table <- purrr::imap(grn_res, \(x, y) {if (!inherits(x, "data.frame")) { empty_res <-data.frame(Target_Gene = y, Target_Gene_Type =ifelse(y %in% tx.factors, "TF", "Non-TF"), Feature =NA_character_, Gain =NA_real_, Cover =NA_real_, Frequency =NA_real_)return(empty_res) } else {return(x) } })# add mean rank of gain & frequency grn_table <- purrr::reduce(grn_table, rbind) %>% dplyr::select(-Cover) %>% dplyr::rename(Tx_Factor = Feature) %>% dplyr::filter(!, ! %>% dplyr::arrange(Tx_Factor, dplyr::desc(Frequency)) %>% dplyr::with_groups(Tx_Factor, dplyr::mutate, Frequency_Rank = dplyr::row_number()) %>% dplyr::arrange(Tx_Factor, dplyr::desc(Gain)) %>% dplyr::with_groups(Tx_Factor, dplyr::mutate, Gain_Rank = dplyr::row_number()) %>% dplyr::rowwise() %>% dplyr::mutate(Mean_Rank =mean(dplyr::c_across(c(Frequency_Rank, Gain_Rank)))) %>% dplyr::ungroup() %>% dplyr::arrange(Tx_Factor, Mean_Rank) %>% dplyr::mutate(Mean_Rank_Weight =1/ Mean_Rank)# add correlation & mutual information b/t TF and each target gene (dynamics and normalized expression) dyn_cormat <- stats::cor(dyn.mat[, dyn.genes], method = cor.method) expr_cormat <- stats::cor(expr.mat[, dyn.genes], method = cor.method) dyn_mimat <- minet::build.mim(dyn.mat[, dyn.genes], estimator ="mi.empirical", disc ="equalwidth") expr_mimat <- minet::build.mim(expr.mat[, dyn.genes], estimator ="mi.empirical", disc ="equalwidth") grn_table <- dplyr::mutate(grn_table, Dyn_Cor =NA_real_, Exp_Cor =NA_real_, Dyn_MI =NA_real_, Exp_MI =NA_real_)for (i inseq(nrow(grn_table))) { grn_table$Dyn_Cor[i] <- dyn_cormat[grn_table$Target_Gene[i], grn_table$Tx_Factor[i]] grn_table$Dyn_MI[i] <- dyn_mimat[grn_table$Target_Gene[i], grn_table$Tx_Factor[i]] grn_table$Exp_Cor[i] <- expr_cormat[grn_table$Target_Gene[i], grn_table$Tx_Factor[i]] grn_table$Exp_MI[i] <- expr_mimat[grn_table$Target_Gene[i], grn_table$Tx_Factor[i]] } grn_table <- dplyr::mutate(grn_table, State = dplyr::if_else(Dyn_Cor <0, "Repression", "Activation"))return(grn_table)}```# Simulating scRNA-seq data {#sec-sims}The `dyngen` workflow starts with what they call a *backbone*, which specifies the shape of the cellular manifold. In this case we opt for a simple bifurcating trajectory composed of 2500 cells. The number of transcription factors (TFs) is a random variable, but we specify 500 target genes and 5000 housekeeping genes. ```{r}sim_backbone <-backbone_bifurcating()sim_config <-initialise_model(sim_backbone,num_cells =4000, num_tfs =nrow(sim_backbone$module_info),num_targets =500,num_hks =4000,distance_metric ="pearson", num_cores =4L, verbose =FALSE)```We visualize the gene module structure of our trajectory; note that we simulated `nrow(sim_backbone$module_info)` modules, each with a controlling TF. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| fig-width: 8#| fig-height: 6#| fig-cap: The cascading gene module structure of our trajectory. #| label: fig-str1p1 <-plot_backbone_modulenet(sim_config) +labs(x ="Dim 1", y ="Dim 2", edge_width ="Strength", color ="Gene Module") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +theme( ="horizontal")p1```Using the gene modules, we estimate our TF network.```{r}tf_model <-generate_tf_network(sim_config)```We visualize the relationships between our TFs. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| fig-width: 8#| fig-height: 6#| fig-cap: Directional relationships between the TFs that control each gene module. #| label: fig-str2p2 <-plot_feature_network(tf_model, show_targets =FALSE) +labs(x ="Dim 1", y ="Dim 2", size ="TF Status", color ="Gene Module") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +theme( ="horizontal") +guides(color =guide_legend(override.aes =list(size =4, alpha =1)))p2```Next, we generate our target and housekeeping genes, along with the splicing kinetics for all genes. ```{r}#| results: hidetf_model <-generate_feature_network(tf_model) %>%generate_kinetics()```This extraordinarily messy (thanks to the large number of genes) plot shows our TFs, their targets, and the non-regulatory housekeeping genes. The `dyngen` documentation specifies that TFs are regulated solely by TFs, target genes may be regulated by TFs or other target genes, and housekeeping genes are not part of regulatory structure of the trajectory. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| fig-width: 8#| fig-height: 6#| fig-cap: The directed structure of the relationships between all genes - TFs, target genes, and housekeeping genes. #| label: fig-str3p3 <-plot_feature_network(tf_model, show_hks =TRUE) +labs(x ="Dim 1", y ="Dim 2", size ="TF Status", color ="Gene Module") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +theme( ="horizontal") +guides(color =guide_legend(override.aes =list(size =4, alpha =1), order =1))p3```Continuing on, we use the following sequence of functions to simulate cells along our bifurcating trajectory. ::: {.callout-warning}If you're using a local machine (like I am), this step will take 30 or so minutes to run. :::```{r}#| message: false#| warning: false#| results: hidetf_model <-generate_gold_standard(tf_model) %>%generate_cells() %>%generate_experiment()```Finally, we convert our simulated dataset to a `Seurat` object for easier downstream analysis. In addition, we add a normalized ground-truth pseudotime that exists on $[0, 1]$ for aesthetic purposes. ```{r}seu <-as_seurat(tf_model) <-mutate(, sim_time_norm = (sim_time -min(sim_time)) / (max(sim_time) -min(sim_time)), .before =7)```The ground-truth pseudotime values are stored in **sim_time**, and sequencing depth and feature counts have already been computed for total RNA, unspliced & spliced RNA, and protein. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| tbl-cap: The cell-level metadata of our Seurat object. #| label: tbl-metadataslice_sample(, n =10) %>% kableExtra::kable(digits =2, booktabs =TRUE) %>% kableExtra::kable_classic("hover", full_width =FALSE)```# Analysis {#sec-analysis}## PreprocessingWe run the cells through a standard processing pipeline consisting of normalization, highly-variable gene (HVG) identification, linear dimension reduction with PCA followed by nonlinear dimension reduction with UMAP, and a graph-based clustering via the Leiden algorithm. ```{r}#| warning: false#| message: falseseu <-NormalizeData(seu, verbose =FALSE) %>%FindVariableFeatures(nfeatures =3000, verbose =FALSE) %>%ScaleData(verbose =FALSE) %>%RunPCA(npcs =50, approx =TRUE, seed.use =312, verbose =FALSE) %>%RunUMAP(reduction ="pca", dims =1:30, n.components =2, metric ="cosine", seed.use =312, verbose =FALSE) %>%FindNeighbors(reduction ="pca", k.param =20,nn.method ="annoy", annoy.metric ="cosine", verbose =FALSE) %>%FindClusters(algorithm =4, method ="igraph", resolution =0.3, random.seed =312, verbose =FALSE)```Our UMAP embedding has retained the bifurcating structure of our simulated trajectory well, and our clustering appears correct too. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| fig-width: 8#| fig-height: 5#| fig-cap: UMAP embedding colored by Leiden cluster ID (left) and ground-truth pseudotime (right). #| label: fig-umap1p4 <, "umap")) %>%mutate(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = leiden)) +geom_point(size =1.75, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +scale_color_manual(values = palette_cluster) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Leiden") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +guide_umap()p5 <, "umap")) %>%mutate(PT = seu$sim_time_norm) %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = PT)) +geom_point(size =1.75, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +scale_color_gradientn(colors = palette_heatmap) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Pseudotime") + scLANE::theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE)p6 <- (p4 | p5) +plot_layout(guides ="collect", axes ="collect")p6```Visualizing the spread of pseudotime values per-cluster reveals that cluster 1 should the starting (or root) node, and clusters 3 & 5 the terminal (or leaf) nodes. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| fig-width: 6#| fig-height: 4#| fig-cap: Beeswarm plot displaying the distribution of ground-truth pseudotime per Leiden cluster. #| label: fig-PT_beeswarmp7 <-data.frame(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters, PT = seu$sim_time_norm) %>%ggplot(aes(x = leiden, y = PT, color = leiden)) + ggbeeswarm::geom_quasirandom(size =1.5, stroke =0,alpha =0.75) +stat_summary(color ="black", geom ="point", fun ="mean", size =3) +scale_color_manual(values = palette_cluster) +labs(y ="Pseudotime", color ="Leiden") +theme_scLANE() +theme(axis.title.x =element_blank()) +guide_umap()p7```## Pseudotime estimationSince `dyngen` doesn't explicitly assign each cell to a lineage (at least as far as I can tell), we use `slingshot` to estimate a lineage-specific pseudotime. As per @fig-PT_beeswarm, we specify cluster 1 as the root of the trajectory. Afterwards, we create an overall pseudotime by mean-aggregating the per-lineage pseudotime values assigned to each cell. ```{r}sling_res <-slingshot(Embeddings(seu, "umap"), clusterLabels = seu$seurat_clusters, start.clus =c("1"))sling_curves <-slingCurves(sling_res, as.df =TRUE)sling_mst <-slingMST(sling_res, as.df =TRUE)sling_pt < %>%rowwise() %>%mutate(PT_Overall =mean(c_across(starts_with("Lineage")), na.rm =TRUE)) %>%ungroup() %>%mutate(across(c(starts_with("Lineage"), PT_Overall), \(x) (x -min(x, na.rm =TRUE)) / (max(x, na.rm =TRUE) -min(x, na.rm =TRUE))))seu <-AddMetaData(seu, metadata = sling_pt$PT_Overall, ="PT_Overall")```The Spearman correlation between the true & estimated pseudotimes for each cell is quite high, indicating that `slingshot` did a solid job recapitulating the ground truth. The fit isn't perfect, but it looks good enough to justify using the lineage-specific estimated pseudotime. This will allow us to build a GRN per-lineage, which is more useful than a single overall network. ```{r}#| fig-width: 5#| fig-height: 5#| fig-cap: The Spearman correlation between true & estimated pseudotime. A fit from a simple linear model is overlaid in black. #| label: fig-PT_cor#| message: false#| warning: falsep8 <-data.frame(PT_true = seu$sim_time_norm, PT_est = seu$PT_Overall, leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%ggplot(aes(x = PT_true, y = PT_est)) +geom_point(aes(color = leiden), size =1.5, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +geom_smooth(method ="lm", color ="black") + ggpubr::stat_cor(method ="spearman", ="rho", geom ="label", label.x =0.5, label.y =0.25) +scale_x_continuous(limits =c(0, 1)) +scale_y_continuous(limits =c(0, 1)) +scale_color_manual(values = palette_cluster) +labs(x ="True Pseudotime", y ="Estimated Pseudotime", color ="Leiden") +theme_scLANE() +guide_umap()p8```The minimum spanning tree (MST) and principal curves from `slingshot` appear to match our ground-truth trajectory structure quite well. In addition, as shown above in @fig-PT_cor the estimated pseudotime closely matches the ground truth. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| fig-width: 8#| fig-height: 5#| fig-cap: UMAP embedding with MST from Slinghot overlaid.#| label: fig-umap_MSTp9 <-data.frame(Embeddings(seu, "umap")) %>%mutate(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = leiden)) +geom_point(size =1.5, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +geom_path(data = sling_mst, mapping =aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, group = Lineage), linewidth =1.25, color ="black") +geom_point(data = sling_mst, mapping =aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, fill = Cluster), color ="black", shape =21, size =4.5, stroke =1.25, show.legend =FALSE) +scale_color_manual(values = palette_cluster) +scale_fill_manual(values = palette_cluster) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Leiden") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +guide_umap()p10 <-data.frame(Embeddings(seu, "umap")) %>%mutate(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = leiden)) +geom_point(size =1.5, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +geom_path(data = sling_curves,mapping =aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, group = Lineage), color ="black", linewidth =1.5, alpha =0.75, lineend ="round") +scale_color_manual(values = palette_cluster) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Leiden") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE) +guide_umap()p11 <-select(sling_pt, starts_with("Lineage")) %>%mutate(cell =colnames(seu), umap_1 = seu@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[, 1], umap_2 = seu@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[, 2], .before =1) %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols =starts_with("Lineage"), names_to ="lineage",values_to ="pseudotime") %>%ggplot(aes(x = umap_1, y = umap_2, color = pseudotime)) +facet_wrap(~lineage) +geom_point(size =1.5, stroke =0, alpha =0.75) +scale_color_gradientn(colors = palette_heatmap) +labs(x ="UMAP 1", y ="UMAP 2", color ="Pseudotime") +theme_scLANE(umap =TRUE)p12 <- (((p9 | p10) +plot_layout(axes ="collect")) / p11) +plot_layout(guides ="collect")p12```## Estimating trajectory dynamicsUsing `scLANE` ([GitHub]( we perform trajectory differential expression (DE) testing on the set of HVGs. ```{r}pt_df <-select(sling_pt, -PT_Overall)cell_offset <-createCellOffset(seu)scLANE_models <-testDynamic(seu, pt = pt_df, genes =VariableFeatures(seu), size.factor.offset = cell_offset,n.cores =6L, verbose =FALSE)scLANE_de_res <-getResultsDE(scLANE_models)```The top ten genes from `scLANE` are shown in @tbl-scLANE_res. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| tbl-cap: The top-10 trajectory DE genes from scLANE. #| label: tbl-scLANE_resslice_head(scLANE_de_res, n =10) %>%select(Gene, Lineage, Test_Stat, P_Val_Adj, Gene_Dynamic_Lineage, Gene_Dynamic_Overall) %>%mutate(Gene_Dynamic_Lineage =if_else(Gene_Dynamic_Lineage ==1, "Dynamic", "Static"), Gene_Dynamic_Overall =if_else(Gene_Dynamic_Overall ==1, "Dynamic", "Static")) %>% kableExtra::kable(digits =2, booktabs =TRUE, col.names =c("Gene", "Lineage", "LRT Stat.", "Adj. P-value", "Lineage Status", "Overall Status")) %>% kableExtra::kable_classic("hover", full_width =FALSE)```We identify a set of `r filter(scLANE_de_res, Gene_Dynamic_Overall == 1) %>% distinct(Gene) %>% nrow()` dynamic genes. ```{r}dyn_genes <-filter(scLANE_de_res, Gene_Dynamic_Overall ==1) %>%distinct(Gene) %>%pull(Gene)```Next, we pull a matrix of gene dynamics for each of the dynamic genes using the `smoothedCountsMatrix()` function. ```{r}gene_dynamics <-smoothedCountsMatrix(scLANE_models, size.factor.offset = cell_offset, pt = pt_df,genes = dyn_genes, log1p.norm =TRUE)```## Building a GRN from scratchWe'll start by building a GRN on our own with `scTIRN` (**s**ingle **c**ell **T**rajectory **I**nference via **R**egulatory **N**etworks) without using external packages. The main logic comes from the function `estimateTGRN()` defined in @sec-fns.```{r}tx_factors <-filter(seu@assays$RNA@meta.features, is_tf ==TRUE) %>%rownames()GRN_truth <-select(tf_model$feature_network, from, to, effect, strength) %>%rename(Tx_Factor = from, Target_Gene = to) %>%arrange(Tx_Factor, desc(strength)) %>%mutate(Tx_Factor =gsub("_", "-", Tx_Factor), Target_Gene =gsub("_", "-", Target_Gene)) %>%filter(!grepl("HK", Tx_Factor), !grepl("Target", Tx_Factor))GRN_lineage1 <-estimateTGRN(dyn.mat = gene_dynamics$Lineage_A, expr.mat =as.matrix(t(seu@assays$RNA@data[colnames(gene_dynamics$Lineage_A), !$Lineage1)])), dyn.genes =colnames(gene_dynamics$Lineage_A), tx.factors = tx_factors,n.cores =6L, verbose =FALSE) %>%mutate(Lineage ="Lineage1", .before =1)GRN_lineage2 <-estimateTGRN(gene_dynamics$Lineage_B, expr.mat =as.matrix(t(seu@assays$RNA@data[colnames(gene_dynamics$Lineage_B), !$Lineage2)])), dyn.genes =colnames(gene_dynamics$Lineage_B), tx.factors = tx_factors,n.cores =6L, verbose =FALSE) %>%mutate(Lineage ="Lineage2", .before =1)GRN_all <-bind_rows(GRN_lineage1, GRN_lineage2) %>%arrange(Lineage, Target_Gene, desc(Mean_Rank)) %>%with_groups(c(Lineage, Target_Gene), slice_head, n =10)```### Estimating accuracySince our simulation only defines the network over the entire dataset, instead of in a lineage-specific manner, we'll define `scTIRN` as being correct if a given TF-target gene link is recovered in either of the two lineage GRNs. In addition, we'll define the directionality as being correct if it is correct in either lineage. ```{r}scTIRN_detected_vec <- scTIRN_dir_vec_lin1 <- scTIRN_dir_vec_lin2 <-vector("numeric", nrow(GRN_truth))for (i inseq(nrow(GRN_truth))) { sub_df <-filter(GRN_all, Tx_Factor == GRN_truth$Tx_Factor[i], Target_Gene == GRN_truth$Target_Gene[i]) scTIRN_detected_vec[i] <-ifelse(nrow(sub_df >0), 1, 0) scTIRN_dir_lin1 <-filter(GRN_lineage1, Tx_Factor == GRN_truth$Tx_Factor[i], Target_Gene == GRN_truth$Target_Gene[i]) %>%pull(Dyn_Cor) scTIRN_dir_vec_lin1[i] <-ifelse(length(scTIRN_dir_lin1) !=0, scTIRN_dir_lin1, NA_real_) scTIRN_dir_lin2 <-filter(GRN_lineage2, Tx_Factor == GRN_truth$Tx_Factor[i], Target_Gene == GRN_truth$Target_Gene[i]) %>%pull(Dyn_Cor) scTIRN_dir_vec_lin2[i] <-ifelse(length(scTIRN_dir_lin1) !=0, scTIRN_dir_lin2, NA_real_)}GRN_truth <-mutate(GRN_truth, scTIRN_detected = scTIRN_detected_vec, scTIRN_direction_lineage1 = scTIRN_dir_vec_lin1,scTIRN_direction_lineage2 = scTIRN_dir_vec_lin2) %>%mutate(scTIRN_dir_correct =case_when(effect ==1& (scTIRN_direction_lineage1 >0| scTIRN_direction_lineage2 >0) ~1, effect ==-1& (scTIRN_direction_lineage1 <0| scTIRN_direction_lineage2 <0) ~1, TRUE~0), scTIRN_fully_correct =if_else(scTIRN_detected ==1& scTIRN_dir_correct ==1, 1, 0))```In order to correctly estimate the accuracy of `scTIRN`, we first filter the ground-truth GRN to just the genes identified by `scLANE` as being dynamic over the trajectory, then estimate the proportion of the true TF to target gene links identified by our method. The accuracy looks pretty good!```{r}#| code-fold: true#| tbl-cap: The accuracy of `scTIRN` when filtering to just the genes identified by `scLANE` as trajectory DE.#| label: tbl-acc-scTIRNfilter(GRN_truth, Tx_Factor %in% dyn_genes) %>%summarise(mu =mean(scTIRN_detected) *100) %>% kableExtra::kable(digits =2, col.names ="Accuracy",booktabs =TRUE, align ="c") %>% kableExtra::kable_classic(full_width =FALSE, "hover")```## Building a GRN with `epoch`Next, we use the `epoch` R package ([paper](, [GitHub]( to estimate a GRN for each lineage using the Pearson correlation of expression between dynamic genes. We start by identifying a set of genes dynamic across lineage 1 (as with `scLANE`, we test solely the HVG set used to build the trajectory), which we do by fitting GAMs using their `findDynGenes()` function. A quirk of the `epoch` method is that it's necessary to provide the cluster structure of the trajectory - in order, which we do based on @fig-umap_MST. Next, we construct the GRN & perform crossweighting - the goal of which is to reduce the occurrence of false positives (see their Methods for details). ::: {.callout-note}The authors show in their paper (see e.g., Figure 2) that the mutual information (MI) method with crossweighting is the best. However, their MI implementation is very slow, so I'm opting to use the Pearson correlation implementation instead. :::```{r}#| message: false#| warning: false#| results: hideepoch_expr_mat_lin1 <-as.matrix(seu@assays$RNA$data[VariableFeatures(seu), !$Lineage1)])epoch_pt_df <-select(sling_pt, Lineage1) %>%mutate(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%filter(! %> %>% magrittr::set_rownames(colnames(epoch_expr_mat_lin1))epoch_models_lin1 <-findDynGenes(epoch_expr_mat_lin1, sampTab = epoch_pt_df, path =c("1", "6", "7", "4", "5"), group_column ="leiden", pseudotime_column ="Lineage1",method ="gam")epoch_dyn_genes_lin1 <-names(epoch_models_lin1$genes)[epoch_models_lin1$genes <0.01]epoch_dyn_genes_lin1 <-na.omit(epoch_dyn_genes_lin1)epoch_GRN_lin1 <-reconstructGRN(epoch_expr_mat_lin1, tfs = tx_factors, dgenes = epoch_dyn_genes_lin1, method ="pearson")epoch_GRN_lin1 <-crossweight(epoch_GRN_lin1, expDat = epoch_expr_mat_lin1, xdyn = epoch_models_lin1) %>%mutate(Lineage ="Lineage1", .before =1)```The results are shown below: ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| tbl-cap: A sample of the GRN output for lineage 1 from `epoch`. #| label: tbl-epoch_GRN_lin1slice_sample(epoch_GRN_lin1, n =10) %>% kableExtra::kable(digits =2, row.names =FALSE, booktabs =TRUE, col.names =c("Lineage", "Target Gene", "TF", "Z-score", "Pearson Corr.", "Offset", "Weighted Score")) %>% kableExtra::kable_classic(full_width =FALSE, c("hover"))```We repeat the process for lineage 2, again using the cluster structure shown in @fig-umap_MST when identifying dynamic genes. ```{r}#| message: false#| warning: false#| results: hideepoch_expr_mat_lin2 <-as.matrix(seu@assays$RNA$data[VariableFeatures(seu), !$Lineage2)])epoch_pt_df <-select(sling_pt, Lineage2) %>%mutate(leiden = seu$seurat_clusters) %>%filter(! %> %>% magrittr::set_rownames(colnames(epoch_expr_mat_lin2))epoch_models_lin2 <-findDynGenes(epoch_expr_mat_lin2, sampTab = epoch_pt_df, path =c("1", "6", "2", "3"), group_column ="leiden", pseudotime_column ="Lineage2",method ="gam")epoch_dyn_genes_lin2 <-names(epoch_models_lin2$genes)[epoch_models_lin2$genes <0.01]epoch_dyn_genes_lin2 <-na.omit(epoch_dyn_genes_lin2)epoch_GRN_lin2 <-reconstructGRN(epoch_expr_mat_lin2, tfs = tx_factors, dgenes = epoch_dyn_genes_lin2, method ="pearson")epoch_GRN_lin2 <-crossweight(epoch_GRN_lin2, expDat = epoch_expr_mat_lin2, xdyn = epoch_models_lin2) %>%mutate(Lineage ="Lineage2", .before =1)epoch_GRN_all <-bind_rows(epoch_GRN_lin1, epoch_GRN_lin2)```### Estimating accuracyWe compute the accuracy of `epoch` using the same method as we did for `scTIRN` i.e., by filtering the ground-truth GRN to just the genes identified as dynamic (across either lineage) by `epoch`. ```{r}epoch_detected_vec <- epoch_dir_vec_lin1 <- epoch_dir_vec_lin2 <-vector("numeric", nrow(GRN_truth))for (i inseq(nrow(GRN_truth))) { sub_df <-filter(epoch_GRN_all, TF == GRN_truth$Tx_Factor[i], TG == GRN_truth$Target_Gene[i]) epoch_detected_vec[i] <-ifelse(nrow(sub_df >0), 1, 0) epoch_dir_vec_lin1 <-filter(epoch_GRN_lin1, TF == GRN_truth$Tx_Factor[i], TG == GRN_truth$Target_Gene[i]) %>%pull(corr) epoch_dir_vec_lin1[i] <-ifelse(length(epoch_dir_vec_lin1) !=0, epoch_dir_vec_lin1, NA_real_) epoch_dir_vec_lin2 <-filter(epoch_GRN_lin2, TF == GRN_truth$Tx_Factor[i], TG == GRN_truth$Target_Gene[i]) %>%pull(corr) epoch_dir_vec_lin2[i] <-ifelse(length(epoch_dir_vec_lin2) !=0, epoch_dir_vec_lin2, NA_real_)}GRN_truth <-mutate(GRN_truth, epoch_detected = epoch_detected_vec, epoch_direction_lineage1 = epoch_dir_vec_lin1,epoch_direction_lineage2 = epoch_dir_vec_lin2) %>%mutate(epoch_dir_correct =case_when(effect ==1& (epoch_direction_lineage1 >0| epoch_direction_lineage2 >0) ~1, effect ==-1& (epoch_direction_lineage1 <0| epoch_direction_lineage2 <0) ~1, TRUE~0), epoch_fully_correct =if_else(epoch_detected ==1& epoch_dir_correct ==1, 1, 0))````epoch` performs fairly well; compare its accuracy with that of `scTIRN` as shown in @tbl-acc-scTIRN. ```{r}#| code-fold: true#| tbl-cap: The accuracy of `epoch` when filtering to just the genes identified by `epoch` as trajectory DE.#| label: tbl-acc-epochfilter(GRN_truth, Tx_Factor %in%union(epoch_dyn_genes_lin1, epoch_dyn_genes_lin2)) %>%summarise(mu =mean(epoch_detected) *100) %>% kableExtra::kable(digits =2, col.names ="Accuracy",booktabs =TRUE, align ="c") %>% kableExtra::kable_classic(full_width =FALSE, "hover")```# Conclusions {#sec-conclusions}Overall both methods perform well, each having an accuracy in the mid-80s. `scTIRN` performed slightly better, likely due to its usage of less-noisy gene dynamics instead of normalized expression to build each lineage's network. In addition, given that we utilized lineage-specific pseudotime from `slingshot` instead of the overall ground-truth pseudotime I imagine the performance of `scTIRN` could be improved if we were to use the ground-truth data instead - though this would lose the lineage specificity. Lastly, the `dyngen` package, while somewhat difficult to use, proved to be a useful tool in that it provides a granular, ground-truth GRN against which we can evaluate different GRN estimation methods. ```{r}#| eval: false#| echo: falseseu <-readRDS("../../datasets/GRN_sim/seu.Rds")sling_res <-readRDS("../../datasets/GRN_sim/sling_res.Rds")epoch_GRN_lin1 <-readRDS("../../datasets/GRN_sim/epoch_GRN_lin1.Rds")epoch_GRN_lin2 <-readRDS("../../datasets/GRN_sim/epoch_GRN_lin2.Rds")epoch_GRN_all <-readRDS("../../datasets/GRN_sim/epoch_GRN_all.Rds")GRN_all <-readRDS("../../datasets/GRN_sim/GRN_all.Rds")scLANE_models <-readRDS("../../datasets/GRN_sim/scLANE_models.Rds")```# Session info {#sec-SI}```{r}sessioninfo::session_info()```